In case you missed it, our second assistant webinar entitled, “How to be Impeccable with your Word” is now available for download along with some of the links we referred to during the call. This Webinar provides tools to help you:

    • Create a stronger awareness of the words we say
    • Receive words from others in a more positive way
    • Learn how to live by words of truth and detach from limiting beliefs
  • Stop drama before it starts

Watch the webinar below:

Resources referenced in the webinar:

  1. Daily Affirmations & Meditations – Louise Hay
  2. Illuminata – Marianne Williamson 
  3. Loving What is – Byron Katie
  4. PeopleTek  – Virtual Leadership Journey
  5. Personal Bill of Rights
  6. P3 South Florida
  7. Crucial Conversations Tools for talking when stakes are high – Patterson,
  8. The Four Agreement Companion Guide